Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Are You A Legend?

On March 01, 2009
, in
Leadership Plus by Neculai Fantanaru

Make from leadership a continuous form of your existence, by adjusting with great precision that link between past, present and future.

Leaders make rules ... for a while.

Let's say that you are planning a professional ascension and that you to get closer vertiginously to success. For achieving your goals, obviously it is necessary to prepare from time, also to make many sacrifices, being aware that success is not achieved overnight. You succeed, after many attempts and efforts, to engage in a reputable company. Over time you progress, climb up higher on the hierarchy stages, and in the end, you get to be the general manager in the respective company. Now you are the one making the rules and taking the important decisions. Finally, your dream has come true. Well, what's next? Do you have any set plan for what you will have to do after you have achieved success?

On this question, extremely easy, few are those who can really give a good answer.

If you have ever fixed a fire, then you know that after it burns intensely for a period of time, slowly, slowly begins to fade. Exactly the same thing happens and with some people. They work hard, go through all stages of developing a successful career, and then reach the top. Their goal was finally reached. However, this moment of brilliance, unfortunately, do not last forever, and therefore, they gradually lose their ability to work, no longer having spirit of initiative, and retire from their professional activity. In the result, they leave this world and nobody remembers them.

Leadership: Can you make a comparison between "Total Art" and "Serial Art" so as to highlight the spiritual communion between the forms of creation and knowledge?

Out of the importance of what you reveal through your profile, through your story, through your creations, through your actions, within everything that you support and leave behind, there are two consequences. On one hand there would be the tendency towards a "total art" – meant to combine the dependency of a variety of different factors, out of which many of them are beyond your control. On the other hand the permanent dedication towards a job well done, submitted by your high professional attitude.

Total Art can be seen as a special case of perception about the role you take in the absence of external constraints. In this case, you attract the elements of knowledge and experience, unite them in a harmonious way, integrate them in the unity of emotion, feeling, and assign the value of the condition of responsibility for the quality called "vanity". The illness of being a boss obviously derives from the sense of personal value, pride, and vanity.

Practicing total art and exploring its combining possibilities to generate results in an active dynamics, to support the implementation of generous ideals leads to the emergence of prototypes and unique products, thus annulling "serial art".

Serial art requires a certain dependency towards reception of a character that has become a legend, through the consistent multiplication and diversification of personal accomplishments. It is due to the idea that man uses all his specialized knowledge and all the means at his disposal to offer, in realistic compositions of creation, new meaningful and new forms of access to his own identity.

This art forces the dependency on certain characteristics of the relation process-content, indicating the most relevant resources of creation and expression, placed at the disposal of everybody interested in extending the understanding of their knowledge about the management of performance. But it’s a commercial art, a momentarily business where we have to make the best profit from our own capital, not one that’s meant to last.

Leadership supports its whole weight on the deep transformation of a man in relation to the constructive patterns of his creation, in agreement with a specific values system, from which modern society will be developed and consolidated, but foremost future thinking – through reliving the past. Valuable people leave their mark over the future. We won’t let their importance and their teachings go past us into oblivion.

You have to properly take care of your creations in order to truly understand the valuable importance of what you transmit, but also in order to leave behind a beautiful memory of yourself that will last over the years. Spiritual communion between forms of creation and knowledge is accomplished by what you feel when you look at your work as it comes to life, and by recognizing the potential for performance that you bring to light.

Can you interpret the map of a lasting leadership, heading towards a point farther away from what you originally came to?

The interpretation of a marine map requires an extra effort of explaining the causal links between the cartographic elements and phenomena.

In your case, the elements of progress and Brand, along with the transformation of the personal model into an example to follow, require an effort to adapt to the role changes and status that the image from which you create your connection with the essence of a new spirituality. Or this spirituality, according to the words of Simenon Georges, is based on the understanding that man belongs to a social totality, being a part of it, which opposes the old spiritualities that place man before the community.

The interpretation of a lasting "map" of leadership must take into account the links between the stages of professional development and the subsequent ones - when you reached the top of the hierarchical pyramid. For this you need to make appeal to all the values and principles that you possess, and to keep in view all the new obligations upon you.

Do not raise a mental barrier between the past and the future, between who you were, and who you will be from now on, and who will be from now on. You can be truly perfect if you rise to the level that others want from you. That is, if you continue with enthusiasm "the expedition of conquering the leadership" , only if you are going to a point farthest from the one you originally came.

Leadership: Can you find a reconciliation ground between the past, the present and the future so that your Brand is not going to decay?

Many people in high positions of management imagine, falsely, that their names will live forever in the memory and hearts of others, that their deeds will never be forgotten. Unfortunately, with their passing away, both their names and merits, which they acquired during life, are forgotten. All they have made a lifetime, through many sacrifices and sweat, is wasted as fast as the night passage. For it was not something lasting.

The legends never die. Only few people manage to keep their image or achievements intact over time. Several names fully confirm this thing: Jesus, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Einstein, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, John Lennon, Elvis Presley. Both during life and after they had passed in nothingness, their name was not deleted from the memory of people and from the history books. And, this is because each of them became a Legend.

The extraordinary achievements of these people have transformed them into real legends. Let’s not deceive ourselves: not every person who has a successful career, or who has an important leadership function is a legend. When Elvis Presley walked first on the stage and sang "Heartbreak Hotel" he changed for ever the face of music in the world. He broke the ice, has influenced everyone with his musical style.

It is not enough to live on this earth; you must contribute to the smooth running of things, to the good of all nations. Break the ice, express your uniqueness. Change something; decide to build something to endure forever, something that would always represent your name. It is not enough to become a leading man. For your leadership to endure over time, you must become a legend.

Being a Legend is the art of presenting yourself as memorable in an image that goes around the world at any time in the future.

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