Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Confidence In An End Forgotten By The World

On December 10, 2015
, in
Real Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Evolve according to the convention between being limited and being superior, by looking in you all that you think you could find outside yourself.

I do not really remember who I was. A quite fragile man, unfortunately, across the form it took the cliffs of thoughts crashed into the sea of self-illusions. For I felt throbbing in my chest the pulse of the irrational, like when you throw yourself into something that goes beyond you, propelling you towards a different discovery - of an unconscious identity. This is what happens when you pretend to be a guide into an endless desert, without knowing where are the oases of civilization.

Most probably I existed in a time and in an undefined space, in which fugitive terms we call it death, a death of the rational individuality, a deviation from the right path of self-knowledge beliefs, whenever possible on the spiral of silence, in which I could not express in any way. Even now I'm curious to find out how I got so, foreign to everything I thought I knew about myself.

More than surely, this stage of my life was very well adapted to how the writer Andrei Ionescu described the work of Jorge Luis Borges:

“Borges remained faithful to the themes that define the universe: fiction, death, double, searching for identity, language, dream, metamorphosis, erudition. A universe whose coordinates still remain: the labyrinthic space and the circular time. A labyrinthic space structured by the abstract and vertiginous symmetries of mirror reflections with mutually superseding opposing images: death and immortality, the part and the whole, the finite and the infinite, which lead him to the imperious necessity of posturing the eternal revert. And time is like a story meant to embody a series of beings, things, images or events that repeat themselves over a certain cycle of years.”

Leadership: Are you willing to identify the perspectives of interpreting a reality lived through dreaming or awareness of an “absence of meaning” to renew yourself with a self-image modeled after the scenario of an enigmatic destiny?

Committing a serious offense against the healthy principles demanding for life to be lived and not dreamed, is applied in the conditions of the impossibility to identify where the story begins and where the reality ends. The consequences of meeting with animated objects or not, but definitely attracted actively into the same contradictory whirls of the lost mysteries symbols, immersed into the fragility of the moment transfigured to infinity and the subtle relativity of some forgotten knowledges, were felt increasingly.

Worthy of the uplifting feelings that at the due time I will take advantage of this diversion of identity, which must by all means to be unmasked, by that strange feeling, unreal that accompanies you when you recognize another part of the world, I armed myself with a widening vision, as if born from the spark of a star, called: "Confidence in an end forgotten by the world". Something that from the beginning urges to a variety of indulgence towards the inability to accept the reality.

The seeker of a subtle metaphysics of the moment, forgetting forever the time that separates him from the old assumptions about the permanence of things, expressing involuntary the universe into his infinity, was passed by a single ray of light into the darkness: "The most perfect silence is when there is no need to explain." The self-image of this seeker seemed modeled after the scenario of an enigmatic destiny, for he managed to distinguish the reality of imagination, but preferred to turn imagination into a new model of living and becoming someone else.

Leadership: Do you dare to throw yourself into something that goes beyond you propelling you towards discovering an unconscious identity there where you don't even think you are?

The first characteristic of science to be the image of another person, which for this we call it "frame background" decorates the dimension of the originality matrix resulted from the relationship with yourself in a war that you will win only when you will have the courage to be the mirror that reflects the inverted image of a consistable reality. It consists in the fact of acknowledging that you exist outside of yourself. In the position of another character, trapped into a different world in which the authenticity becomes a sort of a mirror that reflects the image of the secret aspirations.

The leadership preferably of a "myself", but with some dimensions that suit the convention between being weighted and being superior, at learning a certain ability in the conversion, can not be understood into its essence as a science of the state of facts. In fact, leadership may have the characteristics of an escape from the Matrix, from a fully routed world in which everything you hear, what you see, what you touch is just a routine, only when you build your personality in a fiction that no one claims.

And whoever seeks to be into an undefined time and a space, a foreigner who enters certain levels of reality built in correlation with a an Alter-Ego (constituting a negation or a totality) will easily accept the idea of escaping the status of the prisoner of a state of the moment in a world that breaks apart.

An unconscious identity is a Neo, a true hero, precisely because he has never tried to be one, a type as usual, but becoming more and more powerful as he passes through strange, risky and even decisive experiences from the threshold a dream in which someone else sees himself.

Are you really willing to discover yourself where you do not even think you are? Do you have the courage to translate into a new reality in which you will discover the truth instead of the illusion?

Confidence In An End Forgotten By The World suggests the human transition towards the side of a character who betrays his authenticity. The one who dares to throw himself into something that goes beyond him, propelling himself towards discovering an unconscious identity, actually confirms his status as a man of profound knowledge, based on the duality between appearance and essence, between concrete and transcendental.

In leadership, this is translated as "fight in front of you". It comes out a winner only the one who succeeds to detach from real, to be connected as much time to that Alter-Ego, complementary to it, with which to create a magical couple.

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