Neculai Fantanaru

Everything Depends On The Leader

Remember Who You Are

On February 20, 2015
, in
Real Leadership by Neculai Fantanaru

Change your fundamental attitude that justifies the interest in formulating a new idea of reality, extending the authenticity of the experiences that are constantly trying to face the situations that bring you to the point where you become someone else.

There always arose a revelation when I was trying to emphasize the existence of the fiercest consistency in the struggle with the representations of life. It was a unique game to explore, a direction adjusted over time, a way of access to the closures of individuality. Somehow, I felt the need of a new standard of externalization, through the practice of interiorization. For this, I had to meet the requirement of rendering an experience of navigating through the fields of the past, born from the idea of the constitutive elements description of an animating bet (event - stake - gain) , by using the equations of suggestibility.

I found myself, as the daring Vikings who ventured into various expeditions of exploring unknown territories under the pressure of the acute need to lean my shoulders of uncertainty by the fragile delirium of joy procured with the effort of imagination. By a deep and affectionate remembrance, by an event that happened in the vicinity of my destiny, by some secret that warmed my soul like a ravishing melody that does not stop. However, I did not always respect the rhythms of self acceptance.

Once, in my rigorously formalized mind, inadequate to the character tinting focused on the interpretations of the past - carried out as an imperfect film, I dropped a question whose answer I struggled in vain to find out. I could see my own story through the partially reflecting mirror of the reason manifested by the empirical Ego, in a succession of endless images (reflections of the reality behind the appearance of life feelings) from the height of the consciousness, from the height of the word of thinking speaking to me in the chest through the heartbeats, under the leaden whip of the commandment: "Remember who you are ! "

Leadership: Does your horizon of knowledge and existence converge towards the transformation of a given reality, by analogy with an Ego that experiences the humility of constantly experiencing a true process of consciousness?

While the story about his twin brother who drowned in the trough, Mark Twain observes that: "Nobody has ever knew who has drowned, me or my brother." So well they were alike that no one could verify its authenticity. He was the only witness and his testimony was the only means of expressing the truth.

The opportunity to improve a situation, in which you fight with what we call classic Ego, even if the feelings are stronger than you, depends on the validity of the relationship between certainty and illusion, between reality and spirit. You are the only witness of situations that validate the authenticity of the experiences you experience in relation to an increasingly complex reality marked by acute fears or hidden joys.

A remembrance expressed by stimuli coming from the exemplarity of an experience of navigation through the fields of the past, from memories and reconstructions, revealing a reality in which does not interfere the error to depart from yourself through questions that are not answered, can trigger a deep desire of change and transformation on all levels.

Leadership, as a science, whose foundation is built, moves, staggers or falls depending on the coordinates of the power manifestation to recognize you as an individual separate of the world, and who at the same time has an influence over the world, passes through the empirical stage, when you experience unforgettable emotions.

The results of exploring the analogy between knowledge and existence are rigorously calculated in the phase of self-change, but they can be interpreted and validated in the path of total acceptance of what you are when you become aware of what is happening in a reality that only accepts your truth.

Leadership, in this case, resembles a game like "travel and count" in which you need to drop the old identity that follows you with good and bad that you have shown in the past, into a finite existence. And to conceive a new representation of your understanding - in the light of what you have known over time by capturing the contrast between appearance and essence.

The appearance is given by the thoughts or the feelings full of regret, of sadness or deception on which you focus - that grow increasingly more the uncertainty in you, until finally are gathering and the explosion occurs. You lose your identity in the thread of your own memory, in the shadow of the memories you become suspicious towards your own power of comprehension.

At the opposite pole, the essence is what remains stable in you after you read between the lines of appearance. That is, once you enter the labyrinth of memories, instead of getting lost, you find certainties that bring peace of mind to the consciousness, restoring your inner tranquility.

The fundamental attitude that justifies the interest in formulating a new idea of ​​reality belongs to the situation when you see yourself caught between the uncertainty of a change of image and the uncertainty of a changing world, and you have decided to choose the variant of truth that allows you to be yourself.

Remember Who You Are brings into attention the brand of the personal identity intended to be researched in order to reconsider your position towards your virtues or weaknesses. Let us not forget what was saying the blogger Lucian Radu Alexandru: "Identity is what every being is at a time, being seen from the perspective of her own Existential Whole."

Thus, tinting the character by interpreting the past, passing through the filter of thought, of feeling and of the system of values, those questions that satisfy the need for authenticity and deep knowledge, is necessary, because it facilitates the easier transition from the statute of a "loser" to the statute of a "winner". A defeated man has no power over what worries him; he cannot find the rhythm of his inner life in the social disorder.

To change your background attitude - from resignation to determination, expand your knowledge over what possesses you, on what has led you to the point where you are now. But not the emotions !

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